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Where can I buy the Pendix eDrive?

The Pendix eDrive is available from selected authorized resellers. Please take a look to the dealer search and select a dealer near to you.

How is the Pendix eDrive installation organised and is it possible for me to install it myself?

We recommend that you have the Pendix eDrive installed by an authorized dealer. The dealer will also check the condition of your bike and its compatibility with the drive system. This guarantees you good advice and a safe journey.

How can I buy the Pendix eDrive if there is no dealer near me?

Contact the retailer you trust and ask about the Pendix eDrive. Your dealer can also order the Pendix eDrive from Pendix and install it in your bike.

What additional costs should I expect after purchasing Pendix eDrive?

To avoid endangering yourself and other road users, you should only mount the Pendix eDrive on a roadworthy and technically flawless bicycle. It may be necessary to replace wearing parts (brake pads, chain, etc.), replace defective components or install additional components (e.g. lighting). Contact an authorized Pendix dealer near you for more detailed information. Depending on the compatibility of components already present on the bike, it may be necessary to purchase new chainrings for the Pendix crank (4x104mm, 4x64mm), an additional clamp holder for attaching the battery holder, or a new rear wheel stand, depending on the compatibility of the existing components. Thanks to low energy consumption and little wear, the running costs are very low. A regular inspection is recommended as with your conventional bicycle.

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